Are Helpful Online Web Development Tutorials for Beginners?

Reading Time: 9 minutes

Yes they are! Absolutely!! To be realistic, online web development tutorials are intentionally made for beginners!!! 

If you are reading this article and you are interested in becoming a web developer, then don’t navigate from here because you are on the right page. Learning how to write a code may seem like a herculean task for you right now. But I will encourage you to take a bold step by enrolling in an online tutorial for novices like you. The benefits of acquiring web development skills are huge and I shall be discussing that shortly. 

However, before I plunge into how much you can gain by becoming a web developer, I would like to emphasize the functions involved. Let me answer the supposed question you may like to know as a newbie in the programming world. What does web development entail? or who is a web developer? 

Your responsibility as a web developer is to create and maintain websites using computer codes and programs. You will oversee backstage activities that make a website function at its best for the users’ satisfaction. Web development entails syntax development or building through coding. You will find useful resources online for learning web development at free costs but you can pay to earn a certificate. 

Since the beginning of the millennium, web development has gained recognition all over the world. As at early 2018, there were about 2 billion websites in the world. That record shows how much value web development constitutes. Be of a positive spirit regarding your intuition and clear your mind on the doubts you may be nursing as to whether online web development tutorials are for beginners.

Reasons Why You Should Enroll (ASAP) in an Online Web Development Tutorial as a Beginner

Like I mentioned earlier on this page, the benefits are huge and the reasons unlimited. Here are the advantages of learning the skills of web development:

  • Possibility of Building a Personal App or Website 

You can create a profitable app or website customized to serve you personally instead of hiring a web developer that will charge you heavily for service fee. It is likely that you have been planning on owning a website or dreaming about launching a new application. 

Then dedicating small time to achieve your plans isn’t a bad idea. No one can serve you better than you will serve yourself so, start that program without any delay. Register for one of the numerous online platforms that will train you to become a web developer in a couple of months. You don’t need to have a degree in computer science to become one. 

  • Flexible Work Environment 

Enjoy the ability to choose where you want to work as regards location. You can work remotely from anywhere that pleases you. It could be in the comfort of your home or in a secluded part of town where you can focus well on your job. As a web developer, you don’t need to go to the office or be attached to an organization to be functional. All the resources you need are on your PC. So, all you need is your laptop/desktop and food. 

  • Be Your Own Boss 

It is easier for you as a web developer to start your own business either by coaching beginners like you once were or render web development services to interested clients. 

To become an expert in the field, try to build projects and submit to a tuition agency that offers freshers mastering lessons to develop their skills. There are many of such agencies that assist with checking your progress as you advance in your study. After scaling through the beginner stage, you will find great opportunities to work independently without answering to any boss or supervisor. 

  • Ability to Showcase Your Creativity 

Your creative mind will become sharper than it was when you were a beginner. Participating actively in your online classes by solving assignments and taking tests/exams will make you become an expert faster. 

You may have come across amazing websites that function seamlessly at some point in time. This is your chance to also build amazing stuff from your abundant knowledge and experience in web development. Just as you marveled at other websites, yours will be cherished as well if you put in great effort to accomplish your task. 

  • Huge Source of Income 

Web developers are one of the top I.T professionals that earn hugely. Their salary is in the highest value of 6-figure range. The world is revolving and becoming advanced everyday and the fastest growing industry is the computer/internet sector.

The advent of mobile technology and software development have made significant improvements around the globe generally. Everyone, both young and old surf the internet daily all over the globe. The internet cannot go extinct unless there are no more humans on earth. The web will only get better each day so, prepare to be the best or among the specialists in developing it more. 

Bottom Line 

Learning the basics of Javascript, CSS, and HTML is a great way to kickstart your career in web development. There are online guides to help beginners become well versed in those programming languages. 

Another vital aspect is the WordPress development. You will learn about creating a WordPress website from scratch. This is a free software that most sites are built upon. This platform allows users to add content to the site by themselves. Anyone can do that even without any knowledge of web development. Also, knowing the basics SEO can help you serve your clients better by knowing how to make their websites rank higher in search engines. 

Lastly, you will learn about UX (User Experience) and UI (User Interface). They are the basics of user experience design. Although, a web developer is totally different from a web designer but learning about user experience design will give you a clearer understanding of how a website should work. 

It will help more people to stay on your website if they easily find what they need and finally spend extra money on the site. Get on Adobe Creative Suite or Sketch and start learning the fundamental skills of web design.