Building a Weather WebApp with Laravel 11 and RapidAPI

In the ever-evolving world of web development, creating practical and engaging applications is key to keeping users informed and entertained. One of the most popular types of web applications today is the weather app, which provides real-time weather updates and forecasts. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to build a weather web … Read more

Laravel 11 RESTful APIs with Passport Authentication


In the dynamic world of web development, creating robust and secure APIs is paramount. Laravel, the PHP framework renowned for its elegance and simplicity, continues to evolve, offering developers powerful tools to streamline the API development process. In this blog post, we delve into Laravel 11‘s capabilities, focusing particularly on its integration with … Read more

How To Generate Invoice PDF in Laravel 11 Example

How To Generate Invoice PDF in Laravel 11 Example

In business, making good-looking invoices is really important. In Laravel 11, you can make PDF invoices that look great and are made on the fly. Using packages like barryvdh/laravel-dompdf makes it easy for developers to create PDF invoices from HTML templates. This tutorial will guide you through the whole process of making invoice … Read more

Laravel 11 RESTful APIs with Sanctum Authentication


In this article, we’ll delve into another vital concept of Laravel: Laravel 11 REST API Development Using Sanctum. Here, we’ll provide a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to crafting RESTful services from the ground up. Representational State Transfer (REST) serves as an architectural style delineating a set of principles for designing web services. REST API, … Read more

What’s New in Laravel 11: New Features and Latest Updates


Today, I’m excited to walk you through the anticipated features of Laravel 11 in this tutorial. I’ll be highlighting the significant updates and enhancements expected in this upcoming version. Laravel’s development team traditionally unveils new versions annually, typically in February, packed with an array of innovative features. These updates aim to empower developers … Read more