Inside this tutorial we will see the concept of checking file existence in /public folder or /storage folder. This tutorial will give you the classified information in a very clear way.
How to check if a file exists in laravel 8 application, we will discuss inside this article. Generally we store public accessible files in /public folder or even in /storage folder. So while accessing those files always need to add a checkpoint that they exists or not.
We can check all types of application files like pdf, image, doc etc.
In this file existence checking concept also we will use a php function file_exists() and File::exists() laravel facade class.
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Let’s get started.
Checking File Existence inside Public folder
If we store any file like an image, pdf, etc inside /public folder, laravel application gives a helper function to access those.
Helper function as
public_path("FILE PATH")
This helper function looks specified file inside /public folder.
Check File Exists
Example #1
if(file_exists(public_path('images/85214563.jpg'))){ dd('File exists.'); }else{ dd('File not exists.'); }
Here, we used file_exists php function to check.
Example #2
if(File::exists(public_path('images/85214563.jpg'))){ dd('File is exists.'); }else{ dd('File is not exists.'); }
File::exists(), File if a facade and exists a method from it. Before use you need to add this to header
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\File;
Checking File Existence inside Storage folder
If we store any file like an image, pdf, etc inside /storage folder, laravel application gives a helper function to access those.
Helper function as
storage_path("FILE PATH")
This helper function looks specified file inside /storage folder.
Check File Exists
Example #1
if(file_exists(storage_path('images/85214563.jpg'))){ dd('File exists.'); }else{ dd('File not exists.'); }
Here, we used file_exists php function to check.
Example #2
if(File::exists(storage_path('images/85214563.jpg'))){ dd('File is exists.'); }else{ dd('File is not exists.'); }
File::exists(), File if a facade class and exists a method from it. Before use you need to add this to header
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\File;
We hope this article helped you to learn How to Check If a File Exists in Laravel 8 Tutorial in a very detailed way.
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