Metabox Tutorial – What is a Custom Metabox?

WordPress metabox is a draggable interface inside admin dashboard, posts, etc which provides some information to user or it contains some operational inputs. These are wordpress provided metaboxes.

In the same way a Custom metabox is also a metabox but created by User with custom fields. These metaboxes will be created by using wordpress metabox functions.

Custom metaboxes allow users to add additional information to posts, pages and custom post types. Plugins and Themes can use custom metaboxes to take additional structured user input.

We have wordpress functions available which when uses they creates wordpress metaboxes. In this whole tutorial we will see about these wordpress functions.

WordPress Functions list

  • add_meta_box()
  • remove_meta_box()
  • get_post_meta()
  • update_post_meta()
  • add_action()
  • get_the_ID()

We will use these functions and understand about each parameters of these in coming tutorials. Also we will see about some action hooks.

WordPress Action Hooks

  • add_meta_boxes
  • save_post

We will see about each functions and action hooks in detail in coming tutorials.