CakePHP 4 Google Pie Chart Integration Tutorial

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Inside this article, we will see the concept of CakePHP 4 Google Pie Chart Integration. This article will be step by step graph integration.

Pie chart represents the information in very graphical view which provides the complete idea about data. Google charts provides several graphical view. Here, we will use google charts to add Pie chart into CakePHP 4 application.

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Let’s get started.

CakePHP 4 Installation

To create a CakePHP project, run this command into your shell or terminal. Make sure composer should be installed in your system.

$ composer create-project --prefer-dist cakephp/app:~4.0 mycakephp

Above command will creates a project with the name called mycakephp.

Create Database

To create a database, either we can create via Manual tool of PhpMyadmin or by means of a mysql command.


Successfully, we have created a database.

Database Connection

Open app_local.php file from /config folder. Search for Datasources. Go to default array of it.

You can add your connection details here to connect with your database. It will be like this –


'Datasources' => [
        'default' => [
            'host' => 'localhost',
             * CakePHP will use the default DB port based on the driver selected
             * MySQL on MAMP uses port 8889, MAMP users will want to uncomment
             * the following line and set the port accordingly
            //'port' => 'non_standard_port_number',

            'username' => 'root',
            'password' => 'sample@123',

            'database' => 'mydatabase',
             * If not using the default 'public' schema with the PostgreSQL driver
             * set it here.
            //'schema' => 'myapp',

             * You can use a DSN string to set the entire configuration
            'url' => env('DATABASE_URL', null),


You can pass host, username, password and database.

Successfully, you are now connected with the database.

Create Migration

Open project into terminal and run this bake console command –

$ bin/cake bake migration CreateUsers

It will create a file 20220321024457_CreateUsers.php /config/Migrations folder.

Open 20220321024457_CreateUsers.php and write this following code into it. It will create users table into database.



use Migrations\AbstractMigration;

class CreateUsers extends AbstractMigration
    public function change()
        $table = $this->table('users');

        $table->addColumn("name", "string", [
            "limit" => 150,
            "null" => false

        $table->addColumn("email", "string", [
            "limit" => 50,
            "null" => false

        $table->addColumn("contact_no", "string", [
            "limit" => 25,
            "null" => false

        $table->addColumn("created_at", "timestamp", [
            "default" => "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"


Run Migration

Run migration to create a database table.

$ bin/cake migrations migrate

Import Test Data to Table

Here, we have a simple script to insert some test values into table. Copy code and execute inside created database.

-- Dumping data for table `users`

INSERT INTO `users` (`id`, `name`, `email`, `contact_no`, `created_at`) VALUES
(1, 'Sanjay Kumar', '', '8527419635', '2019-01-01'),
(2, 'Vijay Rohila', '', '8529632145', '2019-02-01'),
(3, 'Ashish Kumar', '', '8956237415', '2018-03-01'),
(4, 'Dhananjay Negi', '', '9000000004', '2019-04-01'),
(5, 'Pradeep Goyal', '', '8794563215', '2017-05-01'),
(6, 'Monu Thakur', '', '8749653215', '2019-06-01'),
(7, 'Prateek', '', '7412589632', '2019-07-01'),
(8, 'Raj Kishore', '', '9874563215', '2016-08-01'),
(9, 'Deepak Kumar', '', '7458963214', '2019-09-01'),
(10, 'Rajan', '', '9874563218', '2019-10-01'),
(11, 'Herry', '', '8526397418', '2019-11-01'),
(12, 'Mark', '', '9852631478', '2019-12-01');

After data entries, your users table should look like this.

Create Controller

Again, back to terminal and this bake console command to create controller class.

$ bin/cake bake controller Site --no-actions

It will create a controller class SiteController.php inside /src/Controller folder. Open and write this following code into it.



namespace App\Controller;

use Cake\Datasource\ConnectionManager;

class SiteController extends AppController
    private $db;

    public function initialize(): void

        $this->db = ConnectionManager::get("default");

    public function pieChart()
        $year_wise = $this->db->execute("SELECT COUNT(id) as count,YEAR(created_at) as year FROM users GROUP BY YEAR(created_at)")->fetchAll("assoc");


Create Template File

Create a folder with controller name i.e Site inside /templates folder. Create a file pie_chart.php into /templates/Site folder.

In this template file we will create layout to display pie chart.

<!Doctype html>

    <title>CakePHP 4 Google Pie Chart Integration Tutorial</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <script src=""></script>
        google.charts.load('visualization', "1", {
            packages: ['corechart']

    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-12">
            <h3 style="text-align: center;">CakePHP 4 Google Pie Chart Integration Tutorial</h3>
            <div id="year_pie" style="width: 900px; height: 500px; margin: 0 auto"></div>
        // Draw the pie chart for registered users year wise

        // for year wise
        function yearWiseChart() {

            /* Define the chart to be drawn.*/
            var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
                ['Year', 'Users Count'],
                foreach ($year_wise as $row) {
                    echo "['" . $row['year'] . "'," . $row['count'] . "],";
            var options = {
                title: 'Year Wise Registered Users Pie Chart',
                is3D: true,
            /* Instantiate and draw the chart.*/
            var chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById('year_pie'));
            chart.draw(data, options);


Create Route

Open routes.php file from /config folder. Add this route into it.


    ['controller' => 'Site', 'action' => 'pieChart']


Application Testing

To execute start development server.

$ bin/cake server

URL: http://localhost:8765/pie-chart

We hope this article helped you to learn CakePHP 4 Google Pie Chart Integration Tutorial in a very detailed way.

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