How To Convert Associative Arrays into XML in PHP

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Inside this article we will see the concept i.e How To Convert Associative Arrays into XML in PHP. Article contains the classified information about How To Convert multidimensional array to XML file.

Whenever you work with XML data and also with multidimensional array then may be you need help to convert array of data into XML format. So, if you are looking for this here, then article is totally for you to learn and see how to do it.

Also, If you want to store dynamic data into an XML file then we can easily store data in an XML file using PHP.

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Let’s get started.

Prepare Data in Associative Array

Here, you can see we have a associative array of employees data.

// Associative array
$empData = array(
    'title' => 'Employee Details',
    'employee' => array(
        array('firstname' => 'Sanjay', 'lastname' => 'Kumar', 'username' => 'sk987'),
        array('firstname' => 'Ashish', 'lastname' => 'Kumar', 'username' => 'ashish.985'),
        array('firstname' => 'Vijay', 'lastname' => 'Rohila', 'username' => ''),
        array('firstname' => 'Dhananjay', 'lastname' => 'Negi', 'username' => 'dj.negi'),
        array('firstname' => 'Siddharth', 'lastname' => 'Singh', 'username' => 'sid.992')

This array of data will pass into a helper function which converts it into XML format.

Create a Helper Function (Array To XML)

By using the concept of PHP class and XML functions of it, we create a function which converts array of data into XML format and also saves it into specified folder.

// Function to convert Array To XML
function createXMLFile($empData)
    $title = $empData['title'];
    $totalEmployee = count($empData['employee']);
    $xmlDocument = new DOMDocument();
    $root = $xmlDocument->appendChild($xmlDocument->createElement("employee_details"));
    $root->appendChild($xmlDocument->createElement("title", $title));
    $root->appendChild($xmlDocument->createElement("totalEmployee", $totalEmployee));
    $empRecords = $root->appendChild($xmlDocument->createElement('employee'));
    foreach ($empData['employee'] as $employee) {
        if (!empty($employee)) {
            $empRecord = $empRecords->appendChild($xmlDocument->createElement('employee'));
            foreach ($employee as $key => $val) {
                $empRecord->appendChild($xmlDocument->createElement($key, $val));
    $fileName = str_replace(' ', '_', $title) . '_' . time() . '.xml';
    $xmlDocument->formatOutput = true;
    $xmlDocument->save("xml/" . $fileName);

Application Programming

Create a folder say array-2-xml in your localhost directory. Create a file index.php into it.

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Next, create a sub folder with name xml into project folder. In this folder we will save generated XML file.


// Associative array
$empData = array(
    'title' => 'Employee Details',
    'employee' => array(
        array('firstname' => 'Sanjay', 'lastname' => 'Kumar', 'username' => 'sk987'),
        array('firstname' => 'Ashish', 'lastname' => 'Kumar', 'username' => 'ashish.985'),
        array('firstname' => 'Vijay', 'lastname' => 'Rohila', 'username' => ''),
        array('firstname' => 'Dhananjay', 'lastname' => 'Negi', 'username' => 'dj.negi'),
        array('firstname' => 'Siddharth', 'lastname' => 'Singh', 'username' => 'sid.992')

// Function to convert Array To XML
function createXMLFile($empData)
    $title = $empData['title'];
    $totalEmployee = count($empData['employee']);
    $xmlDocument = new DOMDocument();
    $root = $xmlDocument->appendChild($xmlDocument->createElement("employee_details"));
    $root->appendChild($xmlDocument->createElement("title", $title));
    $root->appendChild($xmlDocument->createElement("totalEmployee", $totalEmployee));
    $empRecords = $root->appendChild($xmlDocument->createElement('employee'));
    foreach ($empData['employee'] as $employee) {
        if (!empty($employee)) {
            $empRecord = $empRecords->appendChild($xmlDocument->createElement('employee'));
            foreach ($employee as $key => $val) {
                $empRecord->appendChild($xmlDocument->createElement($key, $val));
    $fileName = str_replace(' ', '_', $title) . '_' . time() . '.xml';
    $xmlDocument->formatOutput = true;
    $xmlDocument->save("xml/" . $fileName);

echo createXMLFile($empData); // Function call


Open browser and type this URL to run application.

URL: http://localhost/array-2-xml/index.php

Once, application executes. You will see a xml file with name Employee_Details_1671070573.xml into /xml folder.

We hope this article helped you to learn How To Convert Associative Arrays into XML in PHP in a very detailed way.

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