Laravel 10 Convert Number To Words Example Tutorial

Reading Time: 9 minutes

Converting numbers to words is a useful function in many web applications, including e-commerce platforms, invoicing systems, and any other situation where you need to display sums in a more human-readable way.

Laravel, a robust PHP framework, can quickly aid this conversion. We will walk you through the process of converting numbers to words in Laravel 10, allowing you to present numerical data in a more user-friendly and intelligible manner.

Number To Words,

120: One Hundred Twenty

4500: Four Thousand and Five Hundreds

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By the end of this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge to improve your Laravel 10 applications by converting numbers to words, allowing users to perceive numerical data in a more intuitive and user-friendly manner.

Let’s get started.

Laravel Installation

Open terminal and run this command to create a laravel project.

composer create-project laravel/laravel myblog

It will create a project folder with name myblog inside your local system.

To start the development server of laravel –

php artisan serve


Assuming laravel already installed inside your system.

Method #1: Convert Number To Words (Helper Method)

Open project into terminal and create a controller,

php artisan make:controller NumberController

It will create a controller file NumberController.php inside /app/Http/Controllers folder.

Open file and write this code into it.


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class NumberController extends Controller
    public function index()
        $word = $this->numberToWord(120);

        echo "<br>";

        $word = $this->numberToWord(4500);

        echo "<br>";

        $word = $this->numberToWord(58010);
    public function numberToWord($num = '')
        $num    = (string) ((int) $num);

        if ((int) ($num) && ctype_digit($num)) {
            $words  = array();

            $num    = str_replace(array(',', ' '), '', trim($num));

            $list1  = array(
                '', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven',
                'eight', 'nine', 'ten', 'eleven', 'twelve', 'thirteen', 'fourteen',
                'fifteen', 'sixteen', 'seventeen', 'eighteen', 'nineteen'

            $list2  = array(
                '', 'ten', 'twenty', 'thirty', 'forty', 'fifty', 'sixty',
                'seventy', 'eighty', 'ninety', 'hundred'

            $list3  = array(
                '', 'thousand', 'million', 'billion', 'trillion',
                'quadrillion', 'quintillion', 'sextillion', 'septillion',
                'octillion', 'nonillion', 'decillion', 'undecillion',
                'duodecillion', 'tredecillion', 'quattuordecillion',
                'quindecillion', 'sexdecillion', 'septendecillion',
                'octodecillion', 'novemdecillion', 'vigintillion'

            $num_length = strlen($num);
            $levels = (int) (($num_length + 2) / 3);
            $max_length = $levels * 3;
            $num    = substr('00' . $num, -$max_length);
            $num_levels = str_split($num, 3);

            foreach ($num_levels as $num_part) {
                $hundreds   = (int) ($num_part / 100);
                $hundreds   = ($hundreds ? ' ' . $list1[$hundreds] . ' Hundred' . ($hundreds == 1 ? '' : 's') . ' ' : '');
                $tens       = (int) ($num_part % 100);
                $singles    = '';

                if ($tens < 20) {
                    $tens = ($tens ? ' ' . $list1[$tens] . ' ' : '');
                } else {
                    $tens = (int) ($tens / 10);
                    $tens = ' ' . $list2[$tens] . ' ';
                    $singles = (int) ($num_part % 10);
                    $singles = ' ' . $list1[$singles] . ' ';
                $words[] = $hundreds . $tens . $singles . (($levels && (int) ($num_part)) ? ' ' . $list3[$levels] . ' ' : '');
            $commas = count($words);
            if ($commas > 1) {
                $commas = $commas - 1;

            $words  = implode(', ', $words);

            $words  = trim(str_replace(' ,', ',', ucwords($words)), ', ');
            if ($commas) {
                $words  = str_replace(',', ' and', $words);

            return $words;
        } else if (!((int) $num)) {
            return 'Zero';
        return '';

Here, you can see we have defined a helper method within controller class with name numberToWord. The complete logic to convert numeric value to words by this helper method.

Add Route

Open web.php file from /routes folder and add this route into it,


use App\Http\Controllers\NumberController;

Route::get('number-to-words', [NumberController::class, "index"]);


Once we will call the route, output will be:

One Hundred Twenty
Four Thousand and Five Hundreds
Fifty Eight Thousand and Ten


Method #2: Number To Words (Custom Blade Directive)

You’ll Create a custom laravel directive here i.e @numberToWord()

Let’s register first this custom directive. Open AppServiceProvider.php file from /app/Providers folder.

Read More: How To Integrate Google Translator with Laravel 10 Tutorial

Update this provider with this following updated code,


namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Blade;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
     * Register any application services.
    public function register(): void

     * Bootstrap any application services.
    public function boot(): void
        Blade::directive('numberToWord', function ($num) {

            $num  = (string) ((int) $num);

            if ((int) ($num) && ctype_digit($num)) {
                $words  = array();

                $num    = str_replace(array(',', ' '), '', trim($num));

                $list1  = array(
                    '', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven',
                    'eight', 'nine', 'ten', 'eleven', 'twelve', 'thirteen', 'fourteen',
                    'fifteen', 'sixteen', 'seventeen', 'eighteen', 'nineteen'

                $list2  = array(
                    '', 'ten', 'twenty', 'thirty', 'forty', 'fifty', 'sixty',
                    'seventy', 'eighty', 'ninety', 'hundred'

                $list3  = array(
                    '', 'thousand', 'million', 'billion', 'trillion',
                    'quadrillion', 'quintillion', 'sextillion', 'septillion',
                    'octillion', 'nonillion', 'decillion', 'undecillion',
                    'duodecillion', 'tredecillion', 'quattuordecillion',
                    'quindecillion', 'sexdecillion', 'septendecillion',
                    'octodecillion', 'novemdecillion', 'vigintillion'

                $num_length = strlen($num);
                $levels = (int) (($num_length + 2) / 3);
                $max_length = $levels * 3;
                $num    = substr('00' . $num, -$max_length);
                $num_levels = str_split($num, 3);

                foreach ($num_levels as $num_part) {
                    $hundreds   = (int) ($num_part / 100);
                    $hundreds   = ($hundreds ? ' ' . $list1[$hundreds] . ' Hundred' . ($hundreds == 1 ? '' : 's') . ' ' : '');
                    $tens       = (int) ($num_part % 100);
                    $singles    = '';

                    if ($tens < 20) {
                        $tens = ($tens ? ' ' . $list1[$tens] . ' ' : '');
                    } else {
                        $tens = (int) ($tens / 10);
                        $tens = ' ' . $list2[$tens] . ' ';
                        $singles = (int) ($num_part % 10);
                        $singles = ' ' . $list1[$singles] . ' ';
                    $words[] = $hundreds . $tens . $singles . (($levels && (int) ($num_part)) ? ' ' . $list3[$levels] . ' ' : '');
                $commas = count($words);
                if ($commas > 1) {
                    $commas = $commas - 1;

                $words  = implode(', ', $words);

                $words  = trim(str_replace(' ,', ',', ucwords($words)), ', ');
                if ($commas) {
                    $words  = str_replace(',', ' and', $words);
            } else if (!((int) $num)) {
                $words = 'Zero';
            } else {
                $words = '';

            return $words;

Usage of Custom Directive

You can use @numberToWord() directive inside blade templates.

In your blade template file, you need to use like this:





One Thousand and Two Hundreds Fifty Six

That’s it.

We hope this article helped you to learn about Laravel 10 Convert Number To Words Example Tutorial in a very detailed way.

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