MySQL Like Operator in CodeIgniter 4 Query Builder Tutorial

Reading Time: 8 minutes

CodeIgniter 4 provides the complete set of Query builder methods to use in querying database. Inside this article we will see the concept of MySQL Like Operator in codeigniter 4 Query builder.

In Query builder to use Like operator we have a method available. Like operator helps us to get data with a certain pattern with a different different string format.

MySQL Like Operator uses % or _ in query to create pattern. % represents multiple characters, _ is for single character.

In CodeIgniter, It uses only % to create search patterns.

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Let’s get started.

Create Database

To create a database, either we can create via Manual tool of PhpMyadmin or by means of a mysql command.

We will use MySQL command to create database. Run this command into Sql tab of PhpMyAdmin.

CREATE DATABASE codeigniter4_app;

Successfully, we have created a database.

Create Database Table

Next, we need a table. That table will be responsible to store data.

Let’s create a table with some columns.

CREATE TABLE `students` (
 `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
 `email` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
 `phone_no` varchar(15) NOT NULL,

Successfully, we have created a table.

Dump Test Data To Table

Open MySQL database and run this command to insert test data into table.

-- Dumping data for table `students`

INSERT INTO `students` (`id`, `name`, `email`, `phone_no`) VALUES
(1, 'Sanjay Kumar', '', '8527419630'),
(2, 'Sanjay Mishra', '', '7456321089'),
(3, 'Rahul Khanna', '', '9632145870'),
(4, 'Vijay Singh', '', '7896541230'),
(5, 'Suraj Lal', '', '7894563210'),
(6, 'Dhananjay Kumar', '', '8529633217');

Here, we have few rows taking to understand the concept of like() method. You can consider many more rows.

CodeIgniter 4 Like Operator Method

In CodeIgniter 4, like() named method available to do like pattern queries.

$builder->like('column_name','match', 'before | after | both')

Example #1


We want to list all students whose name starts from S character.

MySQL Query

SELECT * FROM students WHERE name LIKE 'S%'

Writing in CodeIgniter 4

We will use query builder methods for this.

Like Method syntax –

$builder->like('name','S', 'after'); 

It generates query as –

WHERE `name` LIKE 'S%' ESCAPE '!'

namespace App\Controllers;

class Home extends BaseController
	public function __construct()
		$this->db = db_connect();

	public function index()
		$builder = $this->db->table("students");

		$query = $builder->get();

		echo "<pre>";
        // To get last query executed
        // $this->db->getLastQuery();

Behind the scene it will generate query as –

SELECT * FROM `students` WHERE `name` LIKE 'S%' ESCAPE '!'

If we run this query to MySQL –

Output To Browser

Example #2


We want to list all students whose email ends with

MySQL Query

SELECT * FROM students WHERE email LIKE ''

Writing in CodeIgniter 4

We will use query builder methods for this.

Like Method syntax –

$builder->like('email','', 'before'); 

It generates query as –

WHERE `email` LIKE '' ESCAPE '!'

namespace App\Controllers;

class Home extends BaseController
	public function __construct()
		$this->db = db_connect();

	public function index()
		$builder = $this->db->table("students");

		$query = $builder->get();

		echo "<pre>";
        // To get last query executed
        // $this->db->getLastQuery();

Behind the scene it will generate query as –

SELECT * FROM `students` WHERE `email` LIKE '' ESCAPE '!'

If we run this query to MySQL –

Output To Browser

Example #3


We want to list all students whose phone number contains 321 in digits.

MySQL Query

SELECT * FROM students WHERE phone_no LIKE '%321%'

Writing in CodeIgniter 4

We will use query builder methods for this.

Like Method syntax –

$builder->like('phone_no','%321%', 'both'); 

It generates query as –

WHERE `phone_no` LIKE '%321%' ESCAPE '!'

namespace App\Controllers;

class Home extends BaseController
	public function __construct()
		$this->db = db_connect();

	public function index()
		$builder = $this->db->table("students");

		$query = $builder->get();

		echo "<pre>";
        // To get last query executed
        // $this->db->getLastQuery();

Behind the scene it will generate query as –

SELECT * FROM `students` WHERE `phone_no` LIKE '%321%' ESCAPE '!'

If we run this query to MySQL –

Output To Browser

Example #4


We want to list all students whose name starts from S OR phone number contains 321 in digits.

Any condition will true then it returns a data row.

MySQL Query

SELECT * FROM students WHERE name LIKE 'S%' OR phone_no LIKE '%321%'

Writing in CodeIgniter 4

$builder = $this->db->table("students");

$query = $builder->get();

Example #5


We want to list all students whose phone number doesn’t contains 321 in digits.

MySQL Query

SELECT * FROM students WHERE phone_no NOT LIKE '%321%'

Writing in CodeIgniter 4

$builder = $this->db->table("students");

$query = $builder->get();

We hope this article helped you to learn MySQL Like Operator in CodeIgniter 4 Query Builder Tutorial in a very detailed way.

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