Laravel 10 Language Translation Methods Tutorial

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Language translation is an essential part of web development, especially when creating a multilingual web application. Laravel, a strong PHP framework, provides robust language translation capabilities, making it easier to provide information in your users’ preferred languages.

This tutorial will walk you through numerous language translation methods in Laravel 10, allowing you to construct dynamic and multilingual web apps.

Multilingual web applications are critical for reaching a larger audience, increasing user experience, and expanding the worldwide impact of your application.

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Let’s get started.

Laravel Methods for Language Translation

In Laravel, there are following ways to do language translation:

  • Lang::get()
  • __()
  • trans()

To understand about these i.e How to use?

Let’s do a laravel setup with language keys.

Laravel Installation

Open terminal and run this command to create a laravel project.

composer create-project laravel/laravel myblog

It will create a project folder with name myblog inside your local system.

To start the development server of laravel –

php artisan serve


Assuming laravel already installed inside your system.

Settings Up Language Files

Here, we will assume two languages: French (fr) and English (en).

You need to create language keys into language respective files inside lang folder.

To create lang folder, open project terminal and run this command.

php artisan lang:publish

It will create lang folder into your application root. Next, we need to add language files into it.

Create Language Files

Create two folders say fr and en inside lang folder.

Next, create language keys file with name messages.php inside these folders.

Folders and file be like,

  • /lang/fr/messages.php
  • /lang/en/messages.php

French (fr) Language keys Settings,


return [
    "welcome" => "Bienvenue sur le tuteur Web en ligne",
    "introduction" => "L'équipe du tuteur Web en ligne vous aidera avec l'installation, la passerelle de paiement, les talons, les notifications push, les notifications jQuery, la requête AJAX, Livewire, les méthodes d'authentification et d'autres sujets."

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English (en) Language keys Settings,


return [
    "welcome" => "Welcome to the Online Web Tutor",
    "introduction" => "The Online Web Tutor Team will assist you with Installation, Payment Gateway, Stubs, Push Notifications, jQuery Notifications, AJAX Request, Livewire, Authentication Methods, and other topics."

Setup Translation Controller

Open project terminal and run this command,

php artisan make:controller TranslationController

It will create a TranslationController.php file inside /app/Http/Controllers folder.

Open file and write this code into it,


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class TranslationController extends Controller
    public function translation()

Next, you will see how to use language translation in this controller.

Laravel Language Translation Methods

You can use Laravel facade and helpers for language translation.

Method #1: Using Lang Facade

Import Lang facade,

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Lang;

Call language key using get() method,

$message = Lang::get('messages.welcome',[],'fr'); // French language

$message = Lang::get('messages.welcome',[],'en'); // French language

Here, calling welcome key from language files.


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Lang;

class TranslationController extends Controller
    public function translation()
        $message1 = Lang::get('messages.welcome',[],'fr');
        $message2 = Lang::get('messages.welcome',[],'en');
        echo $message1;
        echo "<br/><br/>";
        echo $message2;

Now, you need to setup a basic route to call this translation() method.

use App\Http\Controllers\TranslationController;

Route::get("/lang", [TranslationController::class, "translation"]);


Bienvenue sur le tuteur Web en ligne

Welcome to the Online Web Tutor


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Method #2: Using __() Helper function

Here, you will see the use of __() double underscore with parenthesis.


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class TranslationController extends Controller
    public function translation()
        $message1 = __('messages.welcome',[],'fr');
        $message2 = __('messages.welcome',[],'en');
        echo $message1;
        echo "<br/><br/>";
        echo $message2;


Bienvenue sur le tuteur Web en ligne

Welcome to the Online Web Tutor

Method #3: Using trans() Helper function

Here, you will see the use of laravel trans() helper function.


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class TranslationController extends Controller
    public function translation()
        $message1 = trans('messages.welcome',[],'fr');
        $message2 = trans('messages.welcome',[],'en');
        echo $message1;
        echo "<br/><br/>";
        echo $message2;


Bienvenue sur le tuteur Web en ligne

Welcome to the Online Web Tutor

That’s it.

We hope this article helped you to learn Laravel 10 Language Translation Methods Tutorial in a very detailed way.

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