How To Work with Route Middleware in Laravel 10 Tutorial

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Inside this article we will see the concept i.e How To Work with Route Middleware in Laravel 10 Tutorial. Article contains the classified information i.e What is Route Middleware & How to use it in Laravel 10 application.

In Laravel, Middleware is a mechanism that allows developers to filter HTTP requests coming into their application. Route Middleware, specifically, refers to a Middleware that is applied to a single route or a group of routes.

In laravel we have three types of middlewares –

  • Global Middleware
  • Group Middleware
  • Route Middleware

Inside this article, we will see the concept of Route Middleware in Laravel 10 application.

Read More: How To Work with Group Middleware in Laravel 10 Tutorial

Let’s get started.

Laravel Installation

Open terminal and run this command to create a laravel project.

composer create-project laravel/laravel myblog

It will create a project folder with name myblog inside your local system.

To start the development server of laravel –

php artisan serve


Assuming laravel already installed inside your system.

What is Route Middleware?

Route Middleware allows developers to apply specific filtering logic to a single route or a group of related routes.

This can be particularly useful in situations where you have a set of routes that require a specific type of filtering or processing, such as authentication or role-based access control.

By the help of php artisan command, we create Middleware in laravel.

$ php artisan make:middleware <MiddlewareName>

Middlewares will be stored inside /app/Http/Middleware. To register middleware inside application, Kernel.php file will be used which is inside /app/Http. Kernel.php, it’s a class file which contains registration of middlewares.

Read More: How To Work with Global Middleware in Laravel 10 Tutorial

Example – Route Middleware Implementation

Let’s take an example to understand the concept of route middleware inside laravel application.

  • Create a Middleware which checks country, when we open URL.
  • Example We will have 3 routes in which a route should be protected by middleware and other two routes will be open to access for everyone.
  • US, IN, AFG should be allowed inside application, they can access application routes.
  • UK, AUS should be restricted to use or access route.

Create a Middleware

Open project into terminal and run this artisan command.

$ php artisan make:middleware CountryCheck

It will create a file with name CountryCheck.php inside /app/Http/Middleware folder.

Open CountryCheck.php file and write this following code into it.


namespace App\Http\Middleware;

use Closure;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class CountryCheck
     * Handle an incoming request.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @param  \Closure  $next
     * @return mixed
    public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next)
        if ($request->country && !in_array($request->country, array("us", "in", "afg"))) {
            return redirect("noaccess");
        return $next($request);

If request $request->country is NOT in list of these (US, IN, AFG) then it will open no access page.

Register Middleware in Application

Open Kernel.php from /app/Http. Search for $routeMiddleware and add this.

protected $routeMiddleware = [

    'apprestrict' => \App\Http\Middleware\CountryCheck::class,

apprestrict is the name of route middleware.

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Create NoAccess & Protected Routes

Open web.php from /routes folder and add these route into it.


Route::view("noaccess", "noaccess");

Route::get("route-1", function(){ 
  echo "<h3>Welcome To Route 1</h3>"; 

// Protected by middleware
Route::get("route-2", function(){ 
  echo "<h3>Welcome To Route 2</h3>"; 
Route::get("route-3", function(){ 
  echo "<h3>Welcome To Route 3</h3>"; 

Next, we need to create noaccess.blade.php file.

Create NoAccess Page

Create a file called noaccess.blade.php inside /resources/views folder. Open file and write this simple code into it.

<h3>Sorry! You have no access to open this page.</h3>

Application Testing

Run this command into project terminal to start development server,

php artisan serve

Normal Routes


*** Welcome To Route 1 ***


*** Welcome To Route 3 ***

Protected Route


*** Welcome To Route 2 ***



Sorry! You have no access to open this page.

We hope this article helped you to learn about How To Work with Route Middleware in Laravel 10 Tutorial in a very detailed way.

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