How to Install WordPress – Step by Step Tutorial

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Inside this article we will see the concept of wordpress installation. This is a step by step process to learn and install. Article contains classified information about How to install WordPress.

WordPress is a free and open-source content management system written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database.

If you are looking for an article which will give you a concept of wordpress installation from scratch then you are right place to learn. This concept will help you to wordpress installation either at your local system or remotely.

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Let’s get started.

Download WordPress

Open wordpress official website – Click here.

Click on Get WordPress button you will be redirected to Download Page.

Scroll down and click on Download WordPress. When you will install may be wordpress version updated. Right now it’s 5.8.2

Once you click it will download a zipped folder into your system.

Move downloaded folder into your localhost directory and unzip that.

Create WordPress Database

Go to your database platform.

Here, we are using PhpMyAdmin i.e MySQL as database driver. You can use any.

Login into your PhpMyAdmin and create database.

Now you have created a database for your wordpress installation.

Let’s get started with the steps for WordPress Installation.

WordPress Installation Guide

Open your unzipped folder into your browser.

Click on Let’s go!


You need to pass database name, username, password, database host and table prefix.

Click on Submit button.

Once your submit, it will generate the contents for wp-config.php file.

Follow these steps –

  • Copy all contents
  • Open your wordpress folder and search for wp-config-sample.php. Rename it to wp-config.php. Also if you wish to create new file with name wp-config.php instead of renaming then you can do that.
  • Paste the copied content to wp-config.php and save it.

Click on Run the installation.


It will open Website Settings Panel.

Provide all basic information here.

  • Site Title
  • /wp-admin user login details like username & password.
  • Admin email

Click on Install WordPress. It will take few seconds. Install it and then redirect you to wp-admin login panel.

Click on Log In, pass login details

Finally you done the successful installation!

WordPress Back & Front Faces

Once your wordpress setup is ready. You will have 2 faces of installation.

  • Frontend – Website
  • Backend – Admin Panel

Admin Panel – Backend

Admin panel of your wordpress setup will be like this –

Website – Frontend

We hope this article helped you to learn How to Install WordPress Tutorial in a very detailed way.

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