Laravel CMS Development Using AsgardCms Tutorial

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Inside this article we will see laravel cms development using AsgardCms. AsgardCms A modular multilingual CMS built with Laravel 5, with an MIT license. Introducing a full-featured modular multilingual CMS built on top of the Laravel framework.

This tutorial will give you a step by step easy process by following which you can create laravel cms. Process is very simple and easy to implement it.

Laravel CMS means we have an admin panel as well as a frontend. We can manage it’s frontend by admin.

In this post we will create simple cms using laravel i.e “asgard cms”. asgard cms provide very simple modules function and we can simply quick create modules like on wordpress. You can also get there are new theme from their website.

They also provide many feature like as bellow:

  • Dashboard
  • Page Management
  • Media Management
  • Flexible Permissions
  • Easy Module Management
  • Customise your Menus
  • Settings
  • Role and Permission
  • Themes

Learn More –

Let’s get started.

System Requirements

To be able to run AsgardCMS you must to meet the following requirements:

  • PHP 5.5.9 or higher
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • cURL PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • Mcrypt PHP Extension
  • GD PHP Library
  • MySql 5.5
  • One of the following cache drivers: memcachedredisapc. (defaults to array)

Project Installation Process

Open terminal and type this command to install asgard cms into local system.

$ composer create-project asgardcms/platform asgard

It’s composer command which download the project.


Run the install command

$ php artisan asgard:install

Command to perform to start the installation process.

Before installation, please create a database.

This install command will perform the following actions:

  • Setup database information
  • Running migrations
  • Running seeds
  • Publishing assets
  • Create a first admin account

Make sure your application folder will have sufficient permissions to read and write.

You will be asked for these information.

Enter your database driver (e.g. mysql, pgsql) [mysql]:
> mysql 

 Enter your database host []:

 Enter your database port [3306]:
 > 3306 

 Enter your database name [homestead]:
 > asgard 

 Enter your database username [homestead]:
 > root 

 Enter your database password (leave  for no password) [secret]:
 > root 

 Database successfully configured

 Enter you application url (e.g. http://localhost, [http://localhost]:
 > http://localhost 

 User Module                        
 > Starting the User Module setup…         
 Enter your first name:
 > Sanjay 

 Enter your last name:
 > Kumar 

 Enter your email address:

 Enter a password:
 > 123456 

 Please confirm your password:
 > 123456 

 Please wait while the admin account is configured…

 Do you want to remove composer.lock from .gitignore ? (yes/no) [yes]:
 > yes 

 Do you want to remove package-lock.json from .gitignore ? (yes/no) [yes]:
 > yes 

 The application is now installed

 Platform ready! You can now login with your username and password at /backend

Application Testing

Run this command into project terminal to start development server,

php artisan serve

Open browser and type


Add /en to locale.

Admin Login

Admin Dashboard


CMS Front end

We hope this article helped you to learn Laravel CMS Development Using AsgardCms Tutorial in a very detailed way.

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